
2019年10月30日—Inthistutorial,I'mgoingtoshowyouhowtomakeabarcodereaderusingSwiftandApple'sawesomeVisionframework.Theappwillscan ...,2019年5月28日—LearnSwiftcodingforiOSwiththesefreetutorials.,我將留給你找出解決方案,我們在以下的Xcode專案也有提供解答,我鼓勵在繼續往下之前,你能夠自己解決問題,這會比較有趣,而這也是真正了解程式運作的最佳學習方式。,Withthematterofseveralsteps,we'llbeabletobuildou...

Building a Barcode Scanner in Swift on iOS

2019年10月30日 — In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to make a barcode reader using Swift and Apple's awesome Vision framework. The app will scan ...

How to scan a barcode

2019年5月28日 — Learn Swift coding for iOS with these free tutorials.

第11 章- 使用AVFoundation 框架進行QR Code 掃描

我將留給你找出解決方案,我們在以下的Xcode 專案也有提供解答,我鼓勵在繼續往下之前,你能夠自己解決問題,這會比較有趣,而這也是真正了解程式運作的最佳學習方式。

Building Bar Code Scanner App in Swift

With the matter of several steps, we'll be able to build our own app, that scans a barcode and calls back its code number. In the end of the article, you can ...

Scanning data with the camera

For example, your app can let users scan a QR code on a warehouse box, or ... A screenshot of the Xcode project editor showing the target selected and editing the ...

How to Make a QR or Barcode Scanner in SwiftUI

2023年2月10日 — In our Xcode project, lets add a new Swift file, and give it the name “DataScannerRepresentable”. Inside that new file, we will paste the ...

hyperosloBarcodeScanner: :mag_right

BarcodeScanner is a simple and beautiful wrapper around the camera with barcode capturing functionality and a great user experience. Barcode scanning. State ...